
Capers Jones: Applied Software Measurement Global Analysis of Productivity and Quality

Henry Gantt – Organising for work

Marty Cagan –

Roman Pichler – Agile Product Management with Scrum

Ed Yourdon –

Michael Jackson – Structured Programming

Chris Gane and Trish Sarson – Structured Systems Analysis: Tools and Techniques

Dana Larsen – Liftoff: Launching Agile Teams & Projects

*Lewis Carroll – Alice Through the Looking-Glass

Silicon Valley Product Group || Silicon Valley Product Group

Michael Short, Founder of Culture Works Consulting, uses Executive Coaching with his business experience to support others achieve leadership and cultural change, he is also an extremely experienced Agile Coach and certified GCIndex practitioner.

And he knows that the productivity in most companies is simply not good enough! But, instead of looking for silver bullets in ways of working frameworks, managers should really be working with people and teams to harness strengths, passions and energy.

When you give people things to do that they want actually want to do, where their energy and passion truly lives, they can become incredibly productive. And this is also the path to the holy grail of business: innovation.

We explore the five state model in the GC Index with roles of:

Game Changers,
and Play Makers.

How do they map to performance in different scenarios and phases of a project or work generally?

Importantly, Michael helps us understand how psychological safety is not just pop-psychology babble, but really works and is truly necessary to get the very best of teams, out of people.

If you are serious about delivering value, engaging with your people, and getting real productivity this is for you. Get the right mix of happy.

Write To Michael:

[email protected]

Talk to Michael:

Tel: 07711875909


The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety (Defining the path to Inclusion and Innovation) – Timothy R. Clark

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